Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wind Energy Transformation

Introduction to wind energy transformation:

Wind power is generated by harnessing the wind energy to generate the power and is upcoming energy source. Wind power also serving as a important source to meet the increasing power demand.

The turbine’s rotor blades rotate when the wind hits the blades and rotates this convert the wind energy into kinetic energy. This Kinetic energy of blades makes the generator rotor to spin according to Faradays law of electromagnetic induction the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy. After the conversion of wind energy into electrical energy, the electrical energy is made to transmit through power cables in the turbine down’s and then to turbine tower .entering into power transmission. The wind generated power depends on the wind speed. The lesser is the wind speed; less is electrical energy it will generate. A wind farm consists of more than one wind turbines. The wind power of individual turbine is accumulated at the other end

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Wind mill:

Foundation: The wind turbine should be placed to withstand the storm and rotate the turbine based on the velocity of wind

Tower: power generation is situated in the tower and is transmitted using power cables.

Rotor: wind turbines basically consist of three blades attached to rotor and ensured that it can withstand high velocity winds and freely rotate.

Each wind mill or turbine has an internal computer system that will monitor the look into the direction and speed of the wind. It also sets up the internal operation when the speed fluctuates and doesn’t affect the power generate infrequently

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Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy:

Advantages of wind energy:

One of the major advantages is that it doesn’t result in output anything harm to environment. .

Wind farms need less fossil fuel to generate electricity,

Disadvantages of wind energy:

Though the wind energy is a greatly environmental friendly option to generate

Power, a lot of turbines are needed to install in one place in order to generate more power for to meet the power demand.

Negative visual impact is Landscape and is noisy.

4 Physical Properties of Matter

Introduction to Physical Properties of Matter:

The physical property of the matter is nothing but the property of the matter which can be measured or observed without changing the identity of the matter. But the most important and widely changing physical properties are color, odor, shape and size. Now we describe these four properties below.

My forthcoming post is on Calculating Specific Heat, Free Fall Formulas will give you more understanding about Physics.

Various Physical property of Matter:


Color is the first and the basic physical property of matter as it changes from body to body even if the matter exists in the same state. For example in case of the solids the color of different solids are different which is due to there sensitivity of reflection and in case of the liquids the liquids also have different color but the water is the specific liquid which has the color same as we want to be the color of the water. In case of the gases we are unable to know the color of gases as they are not seen by us the color of gases is identified using their flame color.


The odor is also an important property of the matter and it suggest us the type of the matter. If the matter has a bad odor than one suggest that the matter is bad and hence one cannot stay in touch with the matter. The solids have different odor depending on their type. The liquid generally does not have the odor but some liquid possess it after reacting with the air or other liquids or substances. The gases are odor less.


The shape of the matter is different. In case of the solids they have specific shape and this is due to regular arrangement of the atoms in the solids. Whereas in case of liquid and gas there is no particular shape and hence shape of liquids and gases varies depending upon the shape of the vessel.


The size is the least known property of the matter as it cannot affect the matter a lot. Because the size of the solid is depends on the user choice but there is no such size term related to the liquids and gases.

Conclusion for the Physical Properties of Matter

From the discussion on 4 physical properties of matter, we can conclude that there are various physical properties of matter and few of which we explained are common and plays vital role in differentiating one from another. It helps in analysis and study of existence of various forms of matter with varying properties.

5 Different Forms of Energy

Introduction to 5 different forms of energy:

It is often said that a person A is more energetic than a person B. The meaning of this statement is that a person A can do more work than the person B. Person A is said to have more energy. Energy is needed to do some work. After doing a lot of work, one feels tired and need more energy. Thus, anything which is capable of doing work has energy. The capacity of doing work by a body or an object is known as the energy of  the body or the object.

Different Types of Energy:

Kinetic Energy- The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is known as kinetic energy. For example a moving bus, Moving bullets, flowing water etc.
Potential Energy-  The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or shape, is known as Potential energy. For example water stored in a dam , a stone lying on the top of hill, a wound spring of a watch, a stretched bow and arrow etc.

Physics is widely used in day to day activities watch out for my forthcoming posts on Rotational Kinetic Energy Formula and Kinetic Energy Equation. I am sure they will be helpful.

5 different forms of energy :

mechanical energy describes the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy present in the components of a mechanical system. Mechanical energy is the energy associated with the motion or position of an objectHeat or Thermal Energy- The energy possessed by a body due to its temperature is known as heat energy. For example energy of hot water, energy of hot air etc.The ultimate source of thermal energy available to mankind is the sun, the huge therm-nuclear furnace that supplies the earth with the heat and light that are essential to life

Chemical Energy- The energy released in chemical reactions is known as chemical energy.
Sound Energy- The energy of a vibrating object producing sound is known as Sound energy.
Electrical Energy- The energy of moving electrons in a conductor connected with a battery is known as electrical energy.
Nuclear Energy- The energy released when two nuclei of light elements combine with each other to form a heavy nucleus or when a heavy nucleus breaks into two light nuclei is known as nuclear energy.
5. Solar Energy- The energy radiated by the sun is known as Solar energy

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wind Sound Effect


In the present day, the modern and high-tech life that we have built for comfort is not so harmless as it might look to be. The most culpable reason being the noise, i.e., the various sounds of varying frequencies that are we are exposed to. The effects which it has on our lives, bodies, etc are mind-boggling. Some that we know, others which are surfacing, yet others we never might get a chance to be aware of.

The effect of sound frequency variation depending on its origin and intentions, have different effects. In this article we shall discuss its various aspects.

Sound Frequency Effects

A sound wave is introduced into any medium by a vibrating object. This vibrating object is the source of the disturbance which travels through the medium. The ears of a human and most of the other animals are capable of detecting the fluctuations in air pressure which impinge upon the eardrum. Any sound with a frequency below the audible range of hearing (i.e., less than 20 Hertz) is known as an infrasound, as well as any sound with a frequency above the audible range of hearing (i.e., more than 20,000 Hertz) is known as an ultrasound. The sensation of any frequency is commonly known as the pitch of a sound. A Non-hearing related physiological and psychological effects may be caused by levels of low and high frequencies noises below or high than the individual hearing threshold

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Sound Frequency Effects

Health effects of noise are the consequences of elevated  sound levels on health . i)Elevated  noise can cause hearing impairment, ischemic heart disease, hypertension,   annoyance  , premature ejaculation bowel movements,  sleep disturbance, and decreased sexual performance.

ii) Changes in the immune system and  birth defects have been attributed to noise exposure, although evidence is limited.

iii) Though some Presbyterians may occur naturally with age, the cumulative impact of noise is enough to impair the hearing of a large selection of the population over their lifetime.

iv) Noise exposure also induces tinnitus, vasoconstriction and other cardiovascular impacts.

v) Beyond these effects, elevated noise levels can lead to stress, increase workplace accident rates, and further aggression and other anti-social behaviors. The most noticeable causes are vehicle and aircraft noise, prolonged exposure to loud music, and industrial noise

Using a Tuning Fork

Introduction to using a tuning fork:

In 1711, British musician John Shore made the tuning fork, which is an instrument made of steel consisting of a handle and two prongs. When struck, it emits tone of particular pitch. Due to their uncomplicated mechanical structure, steady frequency and cleanliness of tone, these tuning forks being used in musical acoustics as standards or principles of frequency. They can be made of aluminum, steel or space alloy. An electrical tuning fork can control the electric circuits as they can generate highly accurate and stable frequency standards. Basically, a tuning fork is a transverse vibrator.

Procedure to use a tuning fork

Grasp it firmly by its end without any tension in the arm and strike only one of the prongs about one-third of the way from the top. The "U" shape causes both sides to vibrate and produces a smooth sound wave.

Set it carefully while it is vibrating, on a hard surface like a chair or a table, which amplifies the pitch, for the musicians to tune up.

Uses of a tuning fork

The basic reason for the U-shape of the fork is that it produces a very pure tone; its vibrations being at the fundamental frequency in contrast to other resonators. The first overtone produces a frequency which is 6 1/4 times the fundamental which is 2 1/2 octaves above it. As the fork is struck, less energy goes into the overtone modes; leaving the fundamental which makes it easier to tune other instruments with this pure tone.

It is mainly used to tune other musical instruments, as a standard of pitch.

Tuning forks are used by medical practitioners to assess a patient's hearing. Low-pitch forks are used to check vibration sense in examining the peripheral nervous system.

Tuning forks play a role in various alternative medicines, such as polarity therapy and sonopuncture.

A number of keyboard musical instruments work on the same principle as tuning forks.

A radar gun, used to measure the speed of ball or cars in different sports, is calibrated with tuning forks of varied calibration speed and radar band.

Doubled and H-type of tuning forks are used for grading in Vibrating Gyroscopes.

Conclusion of using a tuning fork

It is used in school, institutes and research laboratories to study the effects of different sound tones. Depending on its dimensions and the material used frequency of a tuning fork can be ascertained.

Starter Motor Battery

Introduction to Starter Motor Battery

A starter motor is an electric motor which is used to turn over the engine to start. It controls the initially rotation of engine of a machine.  It is a helping device to start the engine. A modern starter motor is either a permanent magnet or a direct current electric motor of series parallel windings and the solenoid of the starter which is attached to the shaft of the motor. A starter motor needs a very large amount of electric current to crank the engine of any machine. The starter is connected to the battery with heavy cables. The key driven starters or most of the electric starters has a pedal which is foot-pressing and  located on the floor, generally above the accelerator pedal.

Starter Motor Battery description

The negative terminal of the battery is connected to the engine close to the starter. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to the solenoid of the starter. The starter solenoid works as the electrical switch which closes the circuit and at that time the battery is connected to the starter motor and instantly it pushes the gear and the engine’s wheel is in working mode or start rotating.

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Working of Starter Motor Battery

As we turn on the ignition key in Start position, the battery voltage goes through the starter circuit which controls the voltage and the solenoid of the starter is in working situation. Now the engine of the machine is in working condition. The starter works only when the machine is in the manual mode or the clutch is depressed mode. There is a neutral safety switch when the machine is nit in the mutual transmission mode. At the time when machine is not in mutual transmission mode the neutral safety switch open and the starter relay disconnect the starter control the circuit. If we turn the key to Start position of our car, we hear a sound but the car does not start, then the starting system is absolutely fine and check it may be the problem in other system. If we does not hear any sound of engine, so there is some problem in the starting system.

Magnetic Flux of a Solenoid

Introduction to magnetic flux of a solenoid
A solenoid consists of an insulating long wire closely wound in the form of a helix. Its length is very large as compared to its diameter. In a magnetic field the total number of magnetic lines of force crossing the solenoid measures the magnetic flux through any solenoid holds. To find the magnetic flux of a solenoid first we find the amount of magnetic field in a current carrying solenoid.

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Magnetic field in a solenoid to find the magnetic flux of a solenoid

Consider a long solenoid of circular crossection. Let the number of turns per unit length is n and the current flowing in the solenoid id I. Now according to the Ampere’s circuital law, the amount of magnetic field linked across a solenoid is

B = `mu`0nI, where `mu`0 is the absolute permeability of free space.

This amount of magnetic filed is well inside the solenoid. The amount of magnetic field at the end of the solenoid is `mu`0nI/2. The magnetic field is a vector quantity, the SI unit of magnetic field is Tesla, and the CGS unit is Gauss. The relation between Tesla and gauss is

1Testla = 10000 Gauss

Magnetic flux of a solenoid

The number of magnetic lines of force crossing through the solenoid is called the magnetic flux linked with the solenoid. Let the magnetic field linked across the solenoid is B and the area of the crossection is A, then the amount of magnetic flux linked with the solenoid is

`phi`  = B A Cos `theta` , where `theta` is the angle between the magnetic field vector and the area vector.

As we know that the magnetic field across the solenoid is B = `mu`0nI, so the magnetic flux linked across the solenoid is

`phi` = `mu`0nIA Cos `theta`, here if the angle between the magnetic field vector and the area vector is 0°, then the maximum magnetic flux linked with the solenoid is

`phi`= `mu`0nIA

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Magnetic flux of a Solenoid : Conclusion.

The magnetic flux is the dot product of magnetic field and the area vector so the magnetic flux is the scalar quantity. According to the formula of magnetic flux of a solenoid, we can conclude that the magnetic flux depends on the number of turns per unit length, amount of electric current flowing through the solenoid and the area of crossection of the solenoid.

Mass and Weight Difference

Introduction to mass and weight difference:
WEIGHT :The earth attracts every object with a certain force and this force depends on the mass [m] of the object and the acceleration due to the gravity [g]. The weight of an object is the force with which it is attracted towards the earth. As we know,

                                     F   =  m  x a        or

                                     F  = m  x g

The force of attraction of the earth on an object is known as weight of the object. It is denoted by W. Substituting the same in above equation, we have,

                                     W = m x g

As the weight of an object is the force with which it is attracted towards earth, the SI unit of weight is same as that of force, that is , Newton [ N]. The weight is the force acting vertically downwards; it has both magnitude and direction. The value of g is constant  at a given place. Therefore at a given place, the weight of an object is directly proportional to the mass.

MASS :There is a resistance offered by an object to change its state of motion. If it is at rest it tends to remain at rest; if it is moving it tends to keep moving. This property of an object is called its inertia. Further, we know that it is easier to push an empty box than a box full of stones. Quantitatively, the inertia of an object is measured by its mass. "The mass of an object is a measure of its inertia." Greater the mass , greater is the inertia.

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Difference between the two mass and weight:

1. Mass is measure of inertia of an object whereas the weight of an object is the force with which it is attracted towards earth.

2.Mass of an object tends to remain same whether the object is on earth, the moon or even in outer space. Thus, mass of an object is constant and does not change from place to place. On the other hand, Weight of an object depends upon the mass and gravitational force. So, it changes from place to place as the value of "g" is different at different places. It is not constant.

3.The SI unit of mass is Kg, while the SI unit of weight is Newton.

4.The weight is the force acting vertically downwards; it has both magnitude and direction.hence, it a vector quantity. But, mass only has magnitude but no direction so it is scalar quantity.

5. Mass of an object can never be Zero but  weight of an object can be Zero as gravity at poles is zero.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Message Signaled Interrupts

Message Signaled Interrupts

Message Signaled Interrupts, in PCI 2.2 and later and PCI Express, are an alternative way of generating an interrupt. Traditionally, a device has an interrupt pin which it asserts when it wants to interrupt the host CPU. While PCI Express does not have separate interrupt pins, it has special messages to allow it to emulate a pin assertion or deassertion. Message Signaled Interrupts allow the device to write a small amount of data to a special address in memory space. The chipset will deliver the corresponding interrupt to a CPU.

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A common misconception with Message Signaled Interrupts is that they allow the device to send data to the CPU as part of the interrupt. The data that is sent as part of the write is used by the chipset to determine which interrupt to trigger on which CPU; it is not available for the device to communicate additional information to the interrupt handler.

Some non-PCI architectures also use Message Signaled Interrupts. For example, HP GSC devices do not have interrupt pins and can only interrupt by writing directly to the processor's interrupt register in memory space.

Advantages over pin-based interrupts

While more complex to implement in a device, MSI has some significant advantages.

On the mechanical side, fewer pins makes for a simpler, cheaper, and more reliable connector. While this is no advantage to the standard PCI connector, PCI Express takes advantage of these savings.

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MSI increases the number of interrupts that are possible. While conventional PCI was limited to 4 interrupts per card (and, because they were shared among all cards, most used just 1), message signaled interrupts allow dozens of interrupts per card, when that is useful.

There is also a slight performance advantage. In software, a pin-based interrupt could race with a posted write to memory. That is, the PCI device would write data to memory and then send an interrupt to indicate the DMA write was complete. However, a PCI bridge or memory controller might buffer the write in order to not interfere with some other memory use. The interrupt could arrive before the DMA write was complete, and the processor could read stale data from memory. To prevent this race, interrupt handlers were required to read from the device to ensure that the DMA write had finished. This read had a moderate performance penalty. An MSI write cannot pass a DMA write, so the race is eliminated.

Solid Physical Properties

Solid is one of the major states of matter. It is characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume. Unlike a liquid, a solid object does not flow to take on the shape of its container, nor does it expand to fill the entire volume available to it like a gas does. The atoms in a solid are tightly bound to each other, either in a regular geometric lattice (crystalline solids, which include metals and ordinary water ice) or irregularly (an amorphous solid such as common window glass).

The branch of physics that deals with solids is called solid-state physics, and is the main branch of condensed matter physics (which also includes liquids). Materials science is primarily concerned with the physical and chemical properties of solids. Solid-state chemistry is especially concerned with the synthesis of novel materials, as well as the science of identification and chemical composition.

Microscopic description

The atoms, molecules or ions which make up a solid may be arranged in an orderly repeating pattern, or irregularly. Materials whose constituents are arranged in a regular pattern are known as crystals. In some cases, the regular ordering can continue unbroken over a large scale, for example diamonds, where each diamond is a single crystal. Solid objects that are large enough to see and handle are rarely composed of a single crystal, but instead are made of a large number of single crystals, known as crystallites, whose size can vary from a few nanometers to several meters. Such materials are called polycrystalline. Almost all common metals, and many ceramics, are polycrystalline.
In other materials, there is no long-range order in the position of the atoms. These solids are known as amorphous solids; examples include polystyrene and glass.

Whether a solid is crystalline or amorphous depends on the material involved, and the conditions in which it was formed. Solids which are formed by slow cooling will tend to be crystalline, while solids which are frozen rapidly are more likely to be amorphous. Likewise, the specific crystal structure adopted by a crystalline solid depends on the material involved and on how it was formed.
While many common objects, such as an ice cube or a coin, are chemically identical throughout, many other common materials comprise a number of different substances packed together. For example, a typical rock is an aggregate of several different minerals and mineraloids, with no specific chemical composition. Wood is a natural organic material consisting primarily of cellulose fibers embedded in a matrix of organic lignin. In materials science, composites of more than one constituent material can be designed to have desired properties.

What is Reflecting Telescope

Introduction of reflecting telescope:

Telescope is a device used for seeing the images which are too long. The visualization of image is very clear. The astronomical telescope is mainly for capturing the astronomical objects.

Classification of telescope:

Refracting telescope
Reflecting telescope
Let us see what is the reflecting telescope.

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Reflecting telescope:

Reflecting telescope:

If we want to know what is the reflecting telescope we first know the general diagram of telescope.Normally a telescope consists of two lenses.

In refracting telescope large aperture and large focal length of objective lens are used. The lens used in refracting telescope are convex lens. It is difficult to make large convex lens because it is very costly. Hence the reflecting telescope uses concave lens. Let us see the what is the construction of reflecting telescope.

Construction of reflection telescope:

Reflection telescope contains two type of lenses.

Objective lens:

The reflection telescope contains concave mirror having a large aperture and large focal length. This concave mirror is placed at the one end of the wide tube which is called objective.

The other terminal of the wide tube is set to be open and directed to the image object. There is a plane mirror M2 is set at the place before the principal focus of the concave mirror. The angle between the mirror M2 and the principal axis of mirror M1 is 450.

Eye piece:

There is another tube of narrow tube is placed at the side of the wide tube having a convex lens E. The aperture and length of this convex lens E is small which is called eye piece. This eyepiece is capable of moving. This construction helps us to understand what the reflection telescope.

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Working of reflecting telescope:

Working of reflecting telescope:

Consider a distant object is AB. The rays from an object is first fall on the mirror M1. Then the reflected rays are moving in the direction of principal axis and there they are reflected by the mirror M2. The mirror M2 form a diminished image named A’B’. This A’B’ image is considered as an image of the eye piece E. This eye piece creates a magnified virtual image A’’B’’ which is the final image of the telescope.

Mars Orbit Path

Introduction to Mars orbit path:

Mars the member of our solar system, it is the fourth planet counting from the sun. The name Mars is derived from roman language, mars is the god of battles and wars in roman. The iron oxide which is the main content of the planet makes it appear red, so Mars is called as a red planet. Mars is the nearest planet to earth and its diameter is approximately half of the diameter of planet earth. Like earth mars also has moons. The moons of mars are Phobos and Deimos which means fear and panic respectively. The moons of mars are of irregular shape.I like to share this Astral Buoyancy with you all through my article.

Mars orbit and polar caps

The average distance form mars to sun is around 230 million kilometers (approximately 1.5 astronomical units).mars takes 687 days (earth days)to complete one rotation around the sun. One solar day in mars is approximately 24 hours 3minutes and 35 seconds. Planet mars is tilted by 25.19 degrees which is similar to that of earth, hence mars also will have seasons like earth. The orbital speed of mars is approximately 24 kilometer per second. The temperature on the surface of mars varies from 186 K to 293K(- 87 C to 20 C)

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Inside the Mars

Similar to earth, mars also has polar ice caps. These ice caps are permanent. During the winter season in mars a pole lies in continuous darkness, which results in chilling the surface, also 25-30 percentage of the will condense out forming thick carbon dioxide (CO2) ice slabs  famously known as dry ice. When these ice caps made up of dry ice melts by the exposure to sun light, the CO2 sublimes and create winds blowing across the mars at a speed approximately 350 – 400 kilometer per hour. The polar caps also contain the ice formed by water. The amount of water ice is very less compared to that of dry ice.

Melting Point of Gold

Introduction to melting point of gold:

Gold is a chemical element with the assigned symbol Au in Chemistry. This symbol is derived from Latin word “aurum” meaning "shining dawn". It has an atomic number of 79. It developed an association with richness from the earliest times in human civilization and a mention of its usage for coinage, jewelry, and other arts can be found since the beginnings of recorded history. It has always fascinated mankind and has been the real motive behind many wars in the medieval times as a highly sought-after precious metal

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Natural Occurrences of gold

Gold is found in nature as nuggets or grains in rocks, in veins and in alluvial deposits. It is soft, shiny and the most malleable and ductile pure metal known. With a density of 19.3 gm/cm3, it is one of the densest metals. It is also the least reactive among all metals and does not oxidize or corrode in air or water in the normal course.

Pure gold is chemically least reactive of all the metals and dissolves only in aqua regia (a mixture of HCl and HNO3) to form chloroauric acid but is not affected by the individual acids. It dissolves when added to mercury to form amalgam alloys but without chemical reaction. Its insolubility in nitric acid has been long used in gold refining and to confirm the presence of gold in mixtures and objects.

These properties make it quite handy to carry, move around or store for a long time. A relatively low melting point of gold makes it ideal for casting. These qualities and its use for coinage appear to have been instrumental in making it a symbol of wealth.

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Melting Point of Gold

Melting point of gold depends on the presence of impurities as it is seldom used in its pure form except as stored wealth or bullion. Traditionally, its purity is measured in Karats with 24 K (Karats) showing the 100% purity, and each lesser number denoting how many parts equivalent of pure gold are present in 24 parts. 18 K gold is the purity most often found in ornaments, which is 18 parts of gold with 6 parts of copper and traces of other impurities.

18 K gold has a melting point of 1675 degrees Fahrenheit or 912.78 degrees Celsius. Addition of further copper reduces it and 14 K gold has a melting point of 1550 degrees Fahrenheit or 843.33 degrees Celsius.

In its purest form Gold has a Melting point of 1337.33 degrees Kelvin equivalent to 1064.18 degrees Celsius or 1947.52 degrees Fahrenheit.