The small intestine is called so because it has a small diameter.It is also the longest part of the alimentary canal ,and is about 6.25 meters long.It has three parts ; Duodenum, jejunum, and Ileum.Most chemical digestion and absorption of food occurs in the small intestine. The small intestine is a long, coiled organ about one inch in diameter. The stomach connects with the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. The duodenum is about one foot long and is shaped like the letter C. The major digestion begins here. The pancreas and intestinal glands play important roles in completing the breakdown of foods. The pancreas is a long, soft gland lying behind the stomach that secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum. The intestinal glands are tiny organs found in the lining of the small intestines. They release digestive enzymes and mucus. I like to share this Kinetic Energy Problems with you all through my article.
Pancreas is a main digestive gland in our body. It secretes all its digestive enzymes right into the small intestine. To be more specific, it secretes the enzymes into the duodenum region. It secretes the enzymes:Trypsin.Chymotrypsin, steapsin,carboxylpeptidase,elastases,nucleases and pancreatic amylase.Trypsin,chymotrypsin,steapsin,carboxylpeptidase and elastases are involved in degradation of protein into the respective amino acid forms. Nucleases help to break down the nucleic acids and Pancreatic amylase is responsible for breakdown of starch, glycgen and other carbohydrates except cellulose.
The jejunum and ileum secretes a juice called succus entericus.This contains many enzymes.They are: Sucrase,maltase,isomaltase and lactase. All these four enzymes help in breaking down of disaccharides to monosaccharides.The small intestine receives lipase, trypsin and amylase from the pancreas. They are transported from the pancreas to the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. Protein, fats and starch are broken down into smaller molecules. However, they are not fully broken down yet. This causes the enzymes of the small intestine to act upon them. Please express your views of this topic Magnetic Dipole Moment Equation by commenting on blog.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Theory of Evolution Science
Introduction to theory of evolution science:
The modern theory of evolution was developed by an amateur English naturalist, Charles Darwin in the 19th century. According to him, all of the millions of species of organisms present today, evolved slowly over billions of years, from a common ancestor by way of natural selection. The individuals, best adapted to their habitat passed their traits to their offspring. These advantageous qualities accumulated over time and transformed the individual into a species entirely different from its ancestors. For example birds from reptiles, whales from bears, humans from apes, etc. I like to share this Physics Power Formula with you all through my article.
The process of evolution:
According to evolution theory, the early cells evolved into the millions of species of organisms. In the process of evolution, a change or mutation in the genetic code of an organism occurs because of radiation, chemicals, or a chance event and this change is then either kept or removed by natural selection. The organism which survives passes its traits on to its offspring and these changes accumulate and another species evolves, which is totally different from its ancestors. Having problem with Delocalization of Electrons keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.
Darwin's theory of evolution - Natural Selection:
Darwin's general theory of Evolution tells about the development of life from non-life. It means complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, Evolution is a slow gradual process and Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations. It can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and slow steps.
Charles Darwin brought a new mechanism called "natural selection”. Natural selection acts in order to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage which enables a species to compete better in the wild. For example, if a member of a species developed a functional advantage (as growing wings and learn to fly), its offspring would inherit that advantage and then it would pass on to their offspring. The disadvantaged (or inferior) members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the advantaged (or superior) members.
The modern theory of evolution was developed by an amateur English naturalist, Charles Darwin in the 19th century. According to him, all of the millions of species of organisms present today, evolved slowly over billions of years, from a common ancestor by way of natural selection. The individuals, best adapted to their habitat passed their traits to their offspring. These advantageous qualities accumulated over time and transformed the individual into a species entirely different from its ancestors. For example birds from reptiles, whales from bears, humans from apes, etc. I like to share this Physics Power Formula with you all through my article.
The process of evolution:
According to evolution theory, the early cells evolved into the millions of species of organisms. In the process of evolution, a change or mutation in the genetic code of an organism occurs because of radiation, chemicals, or a chance event and this change is then either kept or removed by natural selection. The organism which survives passes its traits on to its offspring and these changes accumulate and another species evolves, which is totally different from its ancestors. Having problem with Delocalization of Electrons keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.
Darwin's theory of evolution - Natural Selection:
Darwin's general theory of Evolution tells about the development of life from non-life. It means complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, Evolution is a slow gradual process and Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations. It can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and slow steps.
Charles Darwin brought a new mechanism called "natural selection”. Natural selection acts in order to preserve and accumulate minor advantageous genetic mutations. Natural selection is the preservation of a functional advantage which enables a species to compete better in the wild. For example, if a member of a species developed a functional advantage (as growing wings and learn to fly), its offspring would inherit that advantage and then it would pass on to their offspring. The disadvantaged (or inferior) members of the same species would gradually die out, leaving only the advantaged (or superior) members.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Nuclear Electric Power
Introduction about Nuclear Electric power:
Let us see the introduction about nuclear electric power. Electrical energy is considered as a basic input for a country and our existence mainly depends upon the energy. Nuclear electric power energy is controlled by the nuclear chain reaction and nuclear fission reaction is used to produce the steam. Let us see the principle about nuclear electric power. I like to share this Curie Law with you all through my article.
Principle of Nuclear Electric Power:
The principle of nuclear electric power is involved in nuclear fission. Uranium which is a nuclear fuel is used.
Components of Nuclear Electric Power:
The nuclear electric power components are as follows,
Nuclear reactor
Reactor core
Control rods
Steam generator
Feed pump
These are components of nuclear electric power.
Nuclear reactor:
Nuclear reactor is a device and it is used to produce heat.
Steam generator:
The steam generator or heat exchanger is used to transfer the heat carried by the coolant to the water. The water gets converted into steam while passing through the steam generator.
The steam is produced in the steam generator is passed to the turbine where work is done by expansion of steam in the turbine.
The steam coming from the turbine is passed to condenser. Steam is converted into the water by circulating cold water around the condenser tubes.
Feed pump:
The feed pump pumps the condensed water from the condenser to the steam generator.
Nuclear Fission:
Nuclear electric power is a process of splitting up the nucleus of fissionable material like uranium into two or more fragments with release of enormous amount of energy. Please express your views of this topic Static Friction Equation by commenting on blog.
Advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Advantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Nuclear electric power needs less space.
Fuel consumption is very small and hence fuel transportation handling and storage charges are low.
Operation of the nuclear electric power plant is more reliable.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Capital cost is high
Not suitable for varying load conditions.
Maintenance cost is high.
Let us see the introduction about nuclear electric power. Electrical energy is considered as a basic input for a country and our existence mainly depends upon the energy. Nuclear electric power energy is controlled by the nuclear chain reaction and nuclear fission reaction is used to produce the steam. Let us see the principle about nuclear electric power. I like to share this Curie Law with you all through my article.
Principle of Nuclear Electric Power:
The principle of nuclear electric power is involved in nuclear fission. Uranium which is a nuclear fuel is used.
Components of Nuclear Electric Power:
The nuclear electric power components are as follows,
Nuclear reactor
Reactor core
Control rods
Steam generator
Feed pump
These are components of nuclear electric power.
Nuclear reactor:
Nuclear reactor is a device and it is used to produce heat.
Steam generator:
The steam generator or heat exchanger is used to transfer the heat carried by the coolant to the water. The water gets converted into steam while passing through the steam generator.
The steam is produced in the steam generator is passed to the turbine where work is done by expansion of steam in the turbine.
The steam coming from the turbine is passed to condenser. Steam is converted into the water by circulating cold water around the condenser tubes.
Feed pump:
The feed pump pumps the condensed water from the condenser to the steam generator.
Nuclear Fission:
Nuclear electric power is a process of splitting up the nucleus of fissionable material like uranium into two or more fragments with release of enormous amount of energy. Please express your views of this topic Static Friction Equation by commenting on blog.
Advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Advantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Nuclear electric power needs less space.
Fuel consumption is very small and hence fuel transportation handling and storage charges are low.
Operation of the nuclear electric power plant is more reliable.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:
Capital cost is high
Not suitable for varying load conditions.
Maintenance cost is high.
Nuclear Energy Hydrogen
Introduction to Nuclear Energy and Hydrogen Fuel
Producing Hydrogen (H2)
Although hydrogen (H2) is ubiquitous, it does not exist by itself naturally, so it must be separated out of substances such as water. Hydrogen separation can be accomplished in several ways. Heat can be used with chemicals and water (thermochemical), or water can be charged with an electric current (electrolysis) to isolate H2. Some separation processes combine heat and electricity (steam electrolysis). H2 can also be produced by bacteria and algae as a waste product.
Current hydrogen separation processes use fossil fuels to raise the temperature enough to separate H2 from either water or natural gas. This process releases greenhouse gases whether or not one is separating water or natural gas. But additional carbon dioxide is also released into the air as a by-product of natural gas separation. Separation of water results only in oxygen by-product. I like to share this Permanent Magnet Generator for Sale with you all through my article.
Nuclear Energy and Hyrogen Resource
Since CO2 is one of the gases responsible for climate destruction, use of fossil fuels in these separation processes is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, while cars running on H2 fuel would give us clean air in one respect, producing the hydrogen would still contribute to climate decimation.
Replacing natural gas combustion with an environmentally friendly energy source would result in no greenhouse gas emissions from this process.
Nuclear proponents claim, falsely, that nuclear power won’t harm the climate. While this claim isn’t valid, it will not be challenged here. (see instead NIRS fact sheet on climate change and nuclear power,
There are plenty of other reasons not to choose nuclear energy for H2 production: costs, energy production structure and the untenable problem of nuclear waste. Therefore, this push costs much less than conventional car fuel. Its real cost resides in transport and distribution.
Centralized energy production facilities would provide an extremely tempting terrorist target, which if successfully attacked, could cripple the country.
Having problem with Formula for Average Speed keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.
Fuel requirements
The problems don’t stop there. We are running out of uranium. The more we dig it out of the ground, the harder and more expensive its extraction becomes. Therefore H2 production using nuclear means more pressure to revive reprocessing, and other irradiated fuel separation methods to justify the investment in nuclear-H2 production technology. Industry also wants breeder reactors reconsidered even though current research concentrates on “new” fission reactors using fresh uranium.
Forcing a square peg into a round hole
Renewable technologies are more suited to H2 production for many reasons. Even if the production cost from renewable energy seems higher now, it will only get cheaper as the fuel for reactors becomes more expensive, either through mining or intensive reprocessing.
Electricity from wind is currently 4 cents/kWh. This is a verifiable, experienced cost.for an H2 fuel economy is really just a major effort to redefine and fund a new generation of nuclear energy as clean and necessary. The industry hope is to make tarnished nuclear power more palatable to the public, much like the atoms for peace campaign of the 1950’s.
Producing Hydrogen (H2)
Although hydrogen (H2) is ubiquitous, it does not exist by itself naturally, so it must be separated out of substances such as water. Hydrogen separation can be accomplished in several ways. Heat can be used with chemicals and water (thermochemical), or water can be charged with an electric current (electrolysis) to isolate H2. Some separation processes combine heat and electricity (steam electrolysis). H2 can also be produced by bacteria and algae as a waste product.
Current hydrogen separation processes use fossil fuels to raise the temperature enough to separate H2 from either water or natural gas. This process releases greenhouse gases whether or not one is separating water or natural gas. But additional carbon dioxide is also released into the air as a by-product of natural gas separation. Separation of water results only in oxygen by-product. I like to share this Permanent Magnet Generator for Sale with you all through my article.
Nuclear Energy and Hyrogen Resource
Since CO2 is one of the gases responsible for climate destruction, use of fossil fuels in these separation processes is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, while cars running on H2 fuel would give us clean air in one respect, producing the hydrogen would still contribute to climate decimation.
Replacing natural gas combustion with an environmentally friendly energy source would result in no greenhouse gas emissions from this process.
Nuclear proponents claim, falsely, that nuclear power won’t harm the climate. While this claim isn’t valid, it will not be challenged here. (see instead NIRS fact sheet on climate change and nuclear power,
There are plenty of other reasons not to choose nuclear energy for H2 production: costs, energy production structure and the untenable problem of nuclear waste. Therefore, this push costs much less than conventional car fuel. Its real cost resides in transport and distribution.
Centralized energy production facilities would provide an extremely tempting terrorist target, which if successfully attacked, could cripple the country.
Having problem with Formula for Average Speed keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.
Fuel requirements
The problems don’t stop there. We are running out of uranium. The more we dig it out of the ground, the harder and more expensive its extraction becomes. Therefore H2 production using nuclear means more pressure to revive reprocessing, and other irradiated fuel separation methods to justify the investment in nuclear-H2 production technology. Industry also wants breeder reactors reconsidered even though current research concentrates on “new” fission reactors using fresh uranium.
Forcing a square peg into a round hole
Renewable technologies are more suited to H2 production for many reasons. Even if the production cost from renewable energy seems higher now, it will only get cheaper as the fuel for reactors becomes more expensive, either through mining or intensive reprocessing.
Electricity from wind is currently 4 cents/kWh. This is a verifiable, experienced cost.for an H2 fuel economy is really just a major effort to redefine and fund a new generation of nuclear energy as clean and necessary. The industry hope is to make tarnished nuclear power more palatable to the public, much like the atoms for peace campaign of the 1950’s.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Pulse Modulation
Modulation is defined as the process of varying some characteristic of a periodic wave with an external signal. Pulse modulation systems may incur significant bandwidth (b) penalty compared to the transmission of a signal in its analog form.
The aim (goal) of pulse modulation methods is to transfer a narrowband analog signal, for example in every day we can use a phone call over a wideband base band channel. I like to share this Equation for Torque with you all through my article.
Pulse modulation methods
Most pulse systems (pulse modulation) are based on sampling of the information signal amplitude at periodic intervals, usually about twice the maximum frequency present, or about 8000 times per second for voice transmission.
In pulse modulation, several advantages and disadvantages are as follow:
Noise immunity
Inexpensive digital circuitry
Can be time-division multiplexed with other pulse modulated signals.
Transmission distance is increased through the use of regenerative repeaters
Digital pulse streams can be stored.
Error detection and correction is easily implemented
Require a much greater bandwidth to transmit and receive than its analog counterpart.
Special encoding and decoding techniques may be necessary to increase transmission rates making the pulse stream more difficult to recover.
May require precise synchronization of clocks between the transmitting and the receiving stations.
Please express your views of this topic Energy Equation Wavelength by commenting on blog.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Most pulse systems (pulse modulation) are based on sampling of the information signal amplitude at periodic intervals, usually about twice the maximum frequency present, or about 8000 times per second for voice transmission.
In pulse modulation, several advantages and disadvantages are as follow:
Noise immunity
Inexpensive digital circuitry
Can be time-division multiplexed with other pulse modulated signals.
Transmission distance is increased through the use of regenerative repeaters
Digital pulse streams can be stored.
Error detection and correction is easily implemented
Require a much greater bandwidth to transmit and receive than its analog counterpart.
Special encoding and decoding techniques may be necessary to increase transmission rates making the pulse stream more difficult to recover.
May require precise synchronization of clocks between the transmitting and the receiving stations.
Modulation is defined as the process of varying some characteristic of a periodic wave with an external signal. Pulse modulation systems may incur significant bandwidth (b) penalty compared to the transmission of a signal in its analog form.
The aim (goal) of pulse modulation methods is to transfer a narrowband analog signal, for example in every day we can use a phone call over a wideband base band channel. I like to share this Equation for Torque with you all through my article.
Pulse modulation methods
Most pulse systems (pulse modulation) are based on sampling of the information signal amplitude at periodic intervals, usually about twice the maximum frequency present, or about 8000 times per second for voice transmission.
In pulse modulation, several advantages and disadvantages are as follow:
Noise immunity
Inexpensive digital circuitry
Can be time-division multiplexed with other pulse modulated signals.
Transmission distance is increased through the use of regenerative repeaters
Digital pulse streams can be stored.
Error detection and correction is easily implemented
Require a much greater bandwidth to transmit and receive than its analog counterpart.
Special encoding and decoding techniques may be necessary to increase transmission rates making the pulse stream more difficult to recover.
May require precise synchronization of clocks between the transmitting and the receiving stations.
Please express your views of this topic Energy Equation Wavelength by commenting on blog.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Most pulse systems (pulse modulation) are based on sampling of the information signal amplitude at periodic intervals, usually about twice the maximum frequency present, or about 8000 times per second for voice transmission.
In pulse modulation, several advantages and disadvantages are as follow:
Noise immunity
Inexpensive digital circuitry
Can be time-division multiplexed with other pulse modulated signals.
Transmission distance is increased through the use of regenerative repeaters
Digital pulse streams can be stored.
Error detection and correction is easily implemented
Require a much greater bandwidth to transmit and receive than its analog counterpart.
Special encoding and decoding techniques may be necessary to increase transmission rates making the pulse stream more difficult to recover.
May require precise synchronization of clocks between the transmitting and the receiving stations.
Physical Science Help
Introduction to physical science help:
Physical Science consists of the studies of Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Earth Science. It is concerned with physical properties, as opposed to the study of the characteristics of living things done in the Life Sciences. Knowledge of Physical Science is important for the growth of the products we use. It is also an exciting and interesting subject of value in many walks of life. There is a vast need for people who understand scientific principles and know how to think logically. I like to share this Buoyancy Equation with you all through my article.
Jobs related to physical science:
After learning about Physical Science, you can go on to study Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and Computer Science. Other related areas that use science knowledge are Science and Medicine Education. Jobs in these professions are in huge demand and are well paying.
There are many technical jobs that require the knowledge of Physical Science, as well as expertise in other scientific areas. Some of these jobs are:
College professor in the sciences
Science teacher
All of these jobs require a college education, with majors in science, as well as courses in mathematics.
While some people complain that their jobs are boring, people who are working in these fields find the work challenging, satisfying and well-paying. Please express your views of this topic Electromagnetic Spectrum Energy by commenting on blog.
Demand for physical science knowledge:
For some reason, students are not studying science subjects in school like they used to. In fact, even the study of computer science has been dropping recently in the United States. That is not true in other countries, especially China and India, where students see the value of scientific knowledge in improving the economy of their countries.
Because of the lack of trained engineers and scientists, their is a big demand for people in those fields. This includes a demand for a technician with only two years of college to that of a research scientist with a PhD degree. Even someone who wants to get into the space program to become an astronaut usually needs a college and advanced degree in the sciences.
Physical Science consists of the studies of Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Earth Science. It is concerned with physical properties, as opposed to the study of the characteristics of living things done in the Life Sciences. Knowledge of Physical Science is important for the growth of the products we use. It is also an exciting and interesting subject of value in many walks of life. There is a vast need for people who understand scientific principles and know how to think logically. I like to share this Buoyancy Equation with you all through my article.
Jobs related to physical science:
After learning about Physical Science, you can go on to study Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, and Computer Science. Other related areas that use science knowledge are Science and Medicine Education. Jobs in these professions are in huge demand and are well paying.
There are many technical jobs that require the knowledge of Physical Science, as well as expertise in other scientific areas. Some of these jobs are:
College professor in the sciences
Science teacher
All of these jobs require a college education, with majors in science, as well as courses in mathematics.
While some people complain that their jobs are boring, people who are working in these fields find the work challenging, satisfying and well-paying. Please express your views of this topic Electromagnetic Spectrum Energy by commenting on blog.
Demand for physical science knowledge:
For some reason, students are not studying science subjects in school like they used to. In fact, even the study of computer science has been dropping recently in the United States. That is not true in other countries, especially China and India, where students see the value of scientific knowledge in improving the economy of their countries.
Because of the lack of trained engineers and scientists, their is a big demand for people in those fields. This includes a demand for a technician with only two years of college to that of a research scientist with a PhD degree. Even someone who wants to get into the space program to become an astronaut usually needs a college and advanced degree in the sciences.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Semiconductor Pn Junction
Introduction to semiconductor pn junction:
We take a silicon (p-Si) semiconductor wafer and add a small quantity of pentavalent impurity, this converts p-Si to n-Si. There are several processes by which a semiconductor can be formed. The wafer now consists of p-region and n-region and a junction between p- and n-region .This is how pn junction semiconductor is formed. I like to share this Natural Sources of Radiation with you all through my article.
Two improtant processes take place during the formation of a p-n junction semiconductor:
In the n-type semiconductor, the concentration of electrons is more than the concentration of holes. Similarly in p-type semiconductor , the concentration of holes is more than the concentration of electrons.
Diffusion Current of Pn Junction Semiconductor:
During the formation of p-n junction , due to difference in concentration across p- and n- regions , holes move from p-side to n-side ( p n) and electrons move from n-side to p-side(n`->` p).This motion of charge carriers gives rise to diffusion current across the junction. Understanding temperature equation is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.
When an electron moves from n`->` p, it leaves behind a hole on the n-side.This hole(positive charge) is immovable as it is bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the electrons continue to move from n`->` p, a layer of positive charge ( or positive space-charge region) on the n-side of the junction is developed.
Similarly , when a hole moves from p`->` n, it leaves behind an electron on the n-side.This electron(negative charge) is immovable as it is bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the holes continue to move from p `->` n, a layer of negative charge ( or negative space-charge region) on the p-side of the junction is developed.
Drift Current of Pn Junction Semiconductor:
An electric field from positive charge to negative charge develops as a result of the positive space-charge region on n-side of the junction and negative space charge region on the p-side of the junction. And as a result of this electric field, an electron on p-side of the junction is moved to n-side and a hole on n-side moves to p-side.The motion of charge carriers due to this electric field is called drift.Thus the drift current, which is opposite to the diffusion current starts.
In the begining, diffusion current is large and drift current is small. As the process of diffusion continues, charge regions on either side of the junction extend, thus increasing the electric field strength and so the drift current.This process continues till the diffusion current equals the drift current.
We take a silicon (p-Si) semiconductor wafer and add a small quantity of pentavalent impurity, this converts p-Si to n-Si. There are several processes by which a semiconductor can be formed. The wafer now consists of p-region and n-region and a junction between p- and n-region .This is how pn junction semiconductor is formed. I like to share this Natural Sources of Radiation with you all through my article.
Two improtant processes take place during the formation of a p-n junction semiconductor:
In the n-type semiconductor, the concentration of electrons is more than the concentration of holes. Similarly in p-type semiconductor , the concentration of holes is more than the concentration of electrons.
Diffusion Current of Pn Junction Semiconductor:
During the formation of p-n junction , due to difference in concentration across p- and n- regions , holes move from p-side to n-side ( p n) and electrons move from n-side to p-side(n`->` p).This motion of charge carriers gives rise to diffusion current across the junction. Understanding temperature equation is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.
When an electron moves from n`->` p, it leaves behind a hole on the n-side.This hole(positive charge) is immovable as it is bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the electrons continue to move from n`->` p, a layer of positive charge ( or positive space-charge region) on the n-side of the junction is developed.
Similarly , when a hole moves from p`->` n, it leaves behind an electron on the n-side.This electron(negative charge) is immovable as it is bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the holes continue to move from p `->` n, a layer of negative charge ( or negative space-charge region) on the p-side of the junction is developed.
Drift Current of Pn Junction Semiconductor:
An electric field from positive charge to negative charge develops as a result of the positive space-charge region on n-side of the junction and negative space charge region on the p-side of the junction. And as a result of this electric field, an electron on p-side of the junction is moved to n-side and a hole on n-side moves to p-side.The motion of charge carriers due to this electric field is called drift.Thus the drift current, which is opposite to the diffusion current starts.
In the begining, diffusion current is large and drift current is small. As the process of diffusion continues, charge regions on either side of the junction extend, thus increasing the electric field strength and so the drift current.This process continues till the diffusion current equals the drift current.
Planet Earth Home
Introduction to Planet Earth:
Planet Earth is a third planet on terms of distance from the sun, which his said our home. We are familiar with its shape, size, structure and the atmosphere. It has structure of one natural satellite, the moon. The earth is the only planet known to have life on it. We are aware of the earth that resulted in the exhibition or evolution and substance of life on it. I like to share this formula for heat capacity with you all through my article.
We know that the earth rotates about an imaginary axis that passes through its north and south poles. The axis of rotation of the earth is slightly tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit. The ad and the night on the earth occur due to this rotation. It also revolves around the sun in its orbit. The earth completes its journey around the sun in 365.25 days, which we call as a year. However the time taken to complete one rotation and one revolution by each planet is different.
In Details of Planent
The change in seasons on the earth takes place due to the tilting of its axis of rotation and the change in. its position with respect to the sun.Understanding Second Law of Thermodynamics Definition is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.
Shows the position of the earth in its orbit at four different times in its orbit at four different times of the year. Note that the tilting of the axis of rotation of the earth is always in the same direction. As a result, the tilting of the northern and southern hemisphere of the earth towards the sun keeps changing throughout the year. When the northern hemisphere ids the tilted towards the sun, we experience summer, while it is winter season in the southern hemisphere. Autumn and spring occur when the earth is in between these two extreme positions in its orbit.
Note that the on June 21; the earth is farther away from the sun than on December 22. On this day, we have the longest day in the northern hemisphere and on December 22, the length of the day is the shortest in the northern hemisphere and the longest in the southern hemisphere.
The radius of the earth is equal to approximately 6,371,000 meters based on the large number of samples.
Planet Earth is a third planet on terms of distance from the sun, which his said our home. We are familiar with its shape, size, structure and the atmosphere. It has structure of one natural satellite, the moon. The earth is the only planet known to have life on it. We are aware of the earth that resulted in the exhibition or evolution and substance of life on it. I like to share this formula for heat capacity with you all through my article.
We know that the earth rotates about an imaginary axis that passes through its north and south poles. The axis of rotation of the earth is slightly tilted with respect to the plane of its orbit. The ad and the night on the earth occur due to this rotation. It also revolves around the sun in its orbit. The earth completes its journey around the sun in 365.25 days, which we call as a year. However the time taken to complete one rotation and one revolution by each planet is different.
In Details of Planent
The change in seasons on the earth takes place due to the tilting of its axis of rotation and the change in. its position with respect to the sun.Understanding Second Law of Thermodynamics Definition is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.
Shows the position of the earth in its orbit at four different times in its orbit at four different times of the year. Note that the tilting of the axis of rotation of the earth is always in the same direction. As a result, the tilting of the northern and southern hemisphere of the earth towards the sun keeps changing throughout the year. When the northern hemisphere ids the tilted towards the sun, we experience summer, while it is winter season in the southern hemisphere. Autumn and spring occur when the earth is in between these two extreme positions in its orbit.
Note that the on June 21; the earth is farther away from the sun than on December 22. On this day, we have the longest day in the northern hemisphere and on December 22, the length of the day is the shortest in the northern hemisphere and the longest in the southern hemisphere.
The radius of the earth is equal to approximately 6,371,000 meters based on the large number of samples.
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