Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nuclear Electric Power

Introduction about Nuclear Electric power:

Let us see the introduction about nuclear electric power. Electrical energy is considered as a basic input for a country and our existence mainly depends upon the energy. Nuclear electric power energy is controlled by the nuclear chain reaction and nuclear fission reaction is used to produce the steam. Let us see the principle about nuclear electric power. I like to share this Curie Law with you all through my article.

Principle of Nuclear Electric Power:

The principle of nuclear electric power is involved in nuclear fission. Uranium which is a nuclear fuel is used.

Components of Nuclear Electric Power:

The nuclear electric power components are as follows,

Nuclear reactor
Reactor core
Control rods
Steam generator
Feed pump
These are components of nuclear electric power.

Nuclear reactor:

Nuclear reactor is a device and it is used to produce heat.

Steam generator:

The steam generator or heat exchanger is used to transfer the heat carried by the coolant to the water. The water gets converted into steam while passing through the steam generator.


The steam is produced in the steam generator is passed to the turbine where work is done by expansion of steam in the turbine.


The steam coming from the turbine is passed to condenser. Steam is converted into the water by circulating cold water around the condenser tubes.

Feed pump:

The feed pump pumps the condensed water from the condenser to the steam generator.

Nuclear Fission:

Nuclear electric power is a process of splitting up the nucleus of fissionable material like uranium into two or more fragments with release of enormous amount of energy. Please express your views of this topic Static Friction Equation by commenting on blog.

Advantages and disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:

Advantages of Nuclear Electric Power:

Nuclear electric power needs less space.
Fuel consumption is very small and hence fuel transportation handling and storage charges are low.
Operation of the nuclear electric power plant is more reliable.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Electric Power:

Capital cost is high
Not suitable for varying load conditions.
Maintenance cost is high.

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