Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Standing Transverse Wave

Introduction on standing transverse wave:

When two simple harmonic waves of same amplitude and frequency travelling in opposite directions with the same speed in a straight line superimpose then the resultant wave obtained does not appear to travel in any direction. Such waves are called as standing waves.

There are two types of standing waves.

(i) Standing Transverse waves

(ii) Longitudinal standing waves.

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Definition Standing Transverse Waves:

Standing transverse waves are produced by the superposition of two transverse waves of same amplitude and same frequency travelling in opposite directions with the same speed. For example, the waves produced in a stretched string are standing transverse waves. Standing transverse waves are also called as stationary transverse waves. Is this topic Wavelength to Frequency Equation hard for you? Watch out for my coming posts.

Characteristics of Standing Transverse Waves:

(i) Standing transverse waves are produced in a bounded medium and the boundaries of the bounded medium may be rigid or free.

(ii) In standing transverse waves, nodes and anti nodes are forms alternatively. nodes are the points which always are in rest and having maximum strain. Anti nodes are the points where the particles vibrate with maximum amplitude and having maximum strain.

(iii)  All the particles in the standing transverse waves vibrates simple harmonically with the same time period except nodes.

(iv)  In standing transverse waves, the amplitude of vibration gradually increases from zero to maximum from nodes to anti nodes.

(v) All the particles in the standing transverse waves in the one segment  vibrate in the same phase, but the particles in the adjacent segments differ in phase by 180°, i.e, they are in opposite phase.

(vi) All the particles in the standing transverse waves, the distance between two successive nodes or anti nodes is equal to half of the wavelength.

(vii)In the standing transverse waves, all the points of the medium pass through their position simultaneously twice in each period.

(viii) In the standing transverse waves, velocity of the particles while crossing mean position varies from maximum to zero from anti nodes to nodes.

(ix) In the standing transverse wave, the medium is splited into two segments and each segment is vibrating up and down as a whole.

(x)  Standing transverse wave does not transfer energy in the medium.

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