Light is every where in world. Light is simply a name for a range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation has a dual nature as both particles and waves.
The wave nature of light was first illustrated through experiments on diffraction and interference of light. This wave has amplitude, which is the brightness of the light, wavelength, which is the color of the light, and an angle at which it is vibrating, called polarization. Light is a transverse wave that can be seen by humans. Light carries information from world to our brain and eyes.
The speed of light in a vaccum is presently defined to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s. Light has some of its own property. The following are the some properties of light: Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, and Refractive Indices.
In this writing I have explained you about light and types of light. Next day I will continue this good work and provide you some other learning.
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