Sunday, September 19, 2010

Know about Anode and Cathode ray tubes:


Today let us learn about anode and cathode ray tubes in physics.

In my next writing i will give you some important uses of isotopes. So first i will tell you about properties of anode and cathode rays.

Properties of anode rays:
Travel in beeline linesThey casting a adumbration of the altar placed in their way.
* Produce automated effectA paddle caster placed in their aisle starts rotating.
* Application are absolutely charged When an electric acreage is activated in the aisle of anode rays, they are deflected appear the abrogating bowl of an electric field.
* The attributes of the anode application depends aloft the gas taken in the acquittal tube. Altered gases accord altered types of absolute rays, which accommodate particles accepting altered masses and altered charges. Therefore the e/m arrangement is not connected for absolute ray particles acquired from altered gases.
Properties of cathode rays:* They accept a heating aftereffect (when they bang a attenuate metal antithesis it gets acrimonious up.)
* They aftermath fluorescence or afterglow aloft arresting bottle or assertive added materials.
* They aftermath X-rays if they bang harder metals like copper, tungsten etc.
* They access through attenuate bedding of aluminium or added metal.
* Cathode application aftereffect accurate plates.

This is all about anode and cathode rays in physics. In some other day we will move on other different concepts. till then enjoy this learning. 

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