At any moment, the winds in high-altitude wind roughly holds 100 times more energy than the entire electricity consumed in the world. High altitude wind power: High altitude wind power is one of the useful energy that is captured in the sky by using tether and cable technology. The atlas of High altitude wind power marked is prepared for various regions of the earth. The spinning rotors of the kite turbines will convert the kinetic energy of the wind in to electricity and return it back down, through the wire 30,000 feet to a distribution grid on the ground.
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High altitude wind power
Different methods are used to capture the kinetic energy of wind in the sky by using kites, apostates, gliders which are fitted with turbines, Sailplanes with turbines etc. At higher altitudes Winds are stable, continuous, and have higher velocity. Before installing wind turbines, wind source evaluation is done. The energy available in the wind is proportional to the cube of its speed, which means that doubling the wind speed increases the available energy by a factor of eight and tripling the velocity gives 3*3*3=27 times the available power.
Advantages of high altitude wind power
At higher altitudes wind is continuous and strong
Flying electric generators can achieve up to 80 percent of availability by placing them at suitable location
High altitude wind generators can be adjusted in height and position to maximize energy return, which is not possible in case of fixed tower-mounted wind generators.
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Some of the challenges to harness high altitude wind power are
Increase in the altitude leads to increase in the length of the tether, temperature of the air increases and the susceptible to atmospheric lightning.
High altitude wind power, increases the cost and exposure to turbulence
Very accurate systems are needed to maintain the position of the turbines in the sky
Difficult to inspect the systems
Chances of collision with flying jets and planes and birds
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