Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wave Frequency

Frequency Range of Radio Waves

Waves have some characteristics features. All waves are made up of crests and troughs. Crests represent the high points while the troughs are the low points of a wave.
Wavelength of a wave is defined as distance between two consecutive crests or between two consecutive troughs.
The frequency or ‘f’ of a wave measures total number of wavelengths that are passing through a particular point in unit time.
Freq. is measured in Hertz. Some other common units for freq. are kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz etc.
The radio waves have wavelengths longer than the infrared in the wavelength spectrum. The radio waves have freq. between 3 KHz to 300 GHz.

I like to share this frequency to wavelength equation with you all through my article.

Wave Frequency Formula

Any wave has three important characteristics:
1. Velocity (v);
2. Frequency (f); and
3. Wavelength (λ).
These characteristics are related to each other by a formula which is known as wave ‘f’ formula and is given by;
v = f * λ;
here; v = velocity of wave, f = ‘f’ of wave and λ = wavelength of wave.

What is the Frequency of Radio Waves

Radio waves are used in communications. The ‘f’ range of radio waves lies above audible region and below the visible light region. The ‘f’ of radio waves starts from a few kilohertz to several terahertz.
The various uses of radio waves are;
1. Communications;
2. Microwave;
3. Television & Radio Broadcasting.

Having problem with Ammeter Definition keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

Radio Waves Frequency Range

As described below the radio waves have larger wavelength then the visible light and as we know that the wavelength is inversely proportional to the ‘f’ so the radio waves have lower ‘f’ then the visible light.

The radio waves are divided into several bands based on the wavelength and frequencies;
1. Very Low ‘f’ (VLF)
‘f’ range : 3 - 30 KHz
Wavelength: 100,000 - 10,000 meters

2. Low ‘f’ (LF)
‘f’ Range: 30 - 300 KHz
Wavelength: 10,000 - 1,000 meters

3. Medium ‘f’ (MF)
‘f’ range: 300 KHz - 3 MHz
Wavelength: 1,000 - 100 meters

4. High ‘f’ (HF)
‘f’ range: 3 - 30 MHz
wavelength: 100 - 10 meters

5. Very High ‘f’ (VHF)
‘f’ range: 30 - 300 MHz
Wavelength: 10 - 1 meter

6. Ultra High ‘f’ (UHF)
‘f’ range: 300 MHz - 3 GHz
Wavelength: 1 meter - 10 cm

Above the UHF is the IR and visible region.

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