Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Introduction to Solid State Physics

Introduction to solid-state physics

Now these days all the electronic devices, which we use, are based on the controlled flow vacuum tubes such as diode valves, triode valves, tetrode valves and pentode valves. In these vacuum tubes, the electrons are provided by heating the cathode using low-tension battery and controlled flow of electrons is achieved by varying the voltage between its different electrodes. A vacuum is created between interelctrodes so that the moving electrons may not lose their energies during the collisions with air molecules in their way. In these vacuum tubes, the electrons can flow only in one direction, hence they are called valves. The vacuum tube devices are bulky, operating at high voltages consume more power and having limited life and low reliability.

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Solid-state physics

In 1930, it was released that some solid-state semi conductor and their junctions can be helpful of controlling the number and direction of flow of charge carriers through them. The discovery of semiconductor junction, i.e., junction diodes and transistors, replaced the vacuum tubes. The semiconductor junctions are very small, operates at low voltage, consume small power, having long life and high reliability. The semiconductor junction led to the discovery of integrated circuits (IC) which have revolutionized the electronic industry as they have been used in the working of television and computer which are very commonly used in our daily life. The one more advantage of semiconductor junctions that they are very cheap as compared to the valves. Solid-state physics is based on the semiconductors. The pure semiconductor is free from every impurity. Such type of the semiconductor is called intrinsic semiconductor. Germanium and silicon are the examples of pure semiconductors. The electrical conduction in semiconductors is caused by the motion of the electrons in the conduction band and by the motion of holes in the valence band.

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Introduction to Solid State Physics : Conclusion

In a pure semiconductor, at a room temperature, the conductivity is very low, because the number of intrinsic charge carriers is very small. To increase the conductivity of the semiconductors we can make a process doping in the intrinsic semiconductors.

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