Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Magnetic Pole Strength

Introduction to magnetic pole strength:

Magnetic pole strength is the strength of the magnetic poles. These poles are either positive or negative. When another magnetic pole is brought near a magnetic pole, the pole exerts certain force, either attractive or repulsive force on the other magnetic pole. The strength of this attractive or repulsive force is the magnetic pole strength. In case of a huge magnet or an isolated magnetic pole, the magnetic pole strength is defined as a ratio of the force exerted on the magnetic pole and the magnetic field strength.

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About magnetic pole strength

Although an isolated magnetic pole does not exist, for theoretical purposes and for derivation of magnetic pole strength, a magnetic monopole is considered.

Strength of a hypothetical bar magnet pole can be explained by considering the magnet as an electromagnet with an infinitely long wire carrying current I.

The pole strength = W/I, here w is the work done by turning the wire around in a closed loop. If the pole strength is greater than 0 it is considered north magnetic pole and if it is less than zero it is a south magnetic pole. The unit for magnetic pole strength is Vs. Magnetic pole strength is equivalent to the magnetic flux found around the magnetic pole.

Another alternate definition for magnetic pole strength is the ratio if magnetic moment of the magnet and the distance of its poles.

In case of a bar magnet, the magnet is considered to have two isolated poles attached to the magnet on either end. Here magnetic coulombs law comes into picture. The force between these two poles is a product of the pole strengths and is inversely proportional to the distance squared between them.

The force = k (m1m2)/d2

Here k is a magnetic constant with a value 4 p · 10-7 Vs/Am

m1 and m2 are the magnetic pole strengths and d is the distance between the poles.

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Conclusion for magnetic pole strength

Magnetic pole strength is defined theoretically by assuming a monopole although monopole does not exist. The pole strength is the magnetic flux found around the magnetic pole.

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