Introduction to nuclear waste safety
Nuclear waste is generated from nuclear energy production centers, nuclear research laboratories and nuclear bomb manufacturing centers. The nuclear waste consists of radioactive material that is still active and takes a long time to turn into non-radioactive material. On order to ensure safety of the people and animals from being exposed to nuclear radiation, there are clear laws set by several international agencies.
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Guidelines for safety from nuclear waste
International atomic energy agency, nuclear energy agency, European commission and international commission on radiological protection have all set up regulations and guidelines for nuclear waste safety. Accordingly:
1. Although the radioactive waste is very small in comparison to total waste produced, the radioactive waste can be very dangerous and potentially fatal if exposed to radiation. Therefore these wastes are to be recycled and the recycled waste should be isolated and diluted and disposed.
2. For low level and intermediate level wastes there are set guidelines, for high-level waste, geological repositories are to be built. In these cases, the nuclear companies wait for the accumulation of waste.
3. Some of the radioactive nuclides that have half-lives emit alpha and beta rays. These can be handled relatively easily. The high level waste that emits gamma rays is the ones that need special care and the gamma rays are e harmful if exposed.
4. Initial outlay of cost for a nuclear plant makes provision for waste management and waste disposal expenditure as well.
5. There are specific ways of disposing exempt waste, low level waste, intermediate level wastes and high level wastes. However some of the plants generate a combination of these waste and therefore the wastes need to be recycled and separated before disposal.
6. Nuclear mining and milling sites contain a trail of radioactive waste; this is collected and buried under layers of clay and rock to prevent leakage of radiation
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Conclusion for nuclear waste safety
Radioactive waste, if exposed to, can cause severe damage. It is important to ensure nuclear waste safety by adhering to the set guidelines of nuclear waste management.
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