Friday, May 31, 2013

The Sun Solar System

Introduction to the sun solar system:

The sun solar system is the set of sun, planets, satellites and other spatial bodies that revolve around the sun. The sun solar system consists of sun, planets, their satellites, dwarf planets, Kuiper belt objects, comets, meteorites, Oort cloud and interplanetary dust.Having problem with Heat Transfer Systems keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

About the sun solar system

The sun solar system

The regions in the sun solar system can be classified as

Sun, the dwarf planet Pluto, terrestrial planets like Venus, earth, mercury and mars, the small rocky bodies that make up the asteroid belt. Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn that are called as giant outer planets, the icy objects that make up theKuiper belt and all thematter beyond the Kuiper belt called the Oort cloud.

All the components of sun solar system are bound by the gravitational force of attraction from the sun. The sun is the single biggest star or spatial body that contains more than ninety percent of al lthe matter in the sun solar system.

The solar system is believed to have come into existence as a result of the collapsing of the molecular cloud. The big bang theory gives some insights into the formation of the star systems.

The asteroid belt called the Kuiper belt is found between mars and Jupiter. These consist of rocks and metal. And the icy objects lie beyond Neptune. They are called TransNeptunian objects and contain ices, ammonia and methane. Five new dwarf planets have been identified taht are named ceres, Pluto, haumea, Eris and makemake.  They have gravity and are round in shape like most other planets.

In addition to all these there are thousands of other particles that are called small bodies like comets, interplanetary dust and centaurs.

Six of the planets have their own moon, called satellites. These satellites orbit the planets. There are three dwarf planets with their own moons orbiting them.

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Conclusion for the sun solar system:

The sun solar system is a system if planets, satellites and other special bodies that revolved around the sun. They are bound by sun’s gravity. All these planets use suns energy. Earth is considered to be the only planet in the solar system that consists of life.

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